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Coffee & Regs

A CSS RegTech podcast series on moving from a tactical to strategic approach to regulatory compliance.

The global regulatory space is complex and fragmented. Financial firms can address this problem through tactical responses to regulatory deadlines or think more strategically on how to optimize their compliance data, operations and technology. The Compliance Solutions Strategies weekly podcast features regulatory experts, former Chief Compliance Officers, industry partners and RegTech collaborators to help prepare buy-side and sell-side firms for changes on the regulatory horizon.


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Just a couple decades ago, our market infrastructure was dominated by only a handful of securities exchanges. Fast forward to the present day, and there are now 18 national securities exchanges registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under Section 6(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”), 44 Alternative Trading Systems (ATS) and over 200 brokerdealers that internalize their customers’ trades.

If you were asked to describe a hacker, what image comes to mind? If you’re like most, you are probably picturing unintelligible text flying across a monitor as young men in black hoodies attempt to break into networks, engaging in a very technical dance and speaking in terms the average layperson would not understand.

All too often, we hear how another elderly investor was taken advantage of by some type of fraudster. Even more frequently, we receive queries from registered investment advisers (“RIAs”) asking what they can do about an elderly client they feel is being financially abused by a caregiver or who is suffering from diminished capacity challenges.