Mastering the Marketing Rule
In this episode, CSS’s Co-Executive Directors of Compliance Services Keith Marks and Jackie Hallihan sit down to discuss actionable takeaways on implementing the SEC’s new Marketing Rule for registered investment advisers within the next 18 months.
About Our Guest Speakers: 

Keith Marks is involved in the management and distribution of Compliance Solutions Strategies’ (CSS) products and services. He works across CSS to find regulatory data and reporting solutions that investment managers need. Keith manages a team of Directors, Consultants and Compliance Managers in CSS’s Compliance Services team who provide consulting, annual compliance program reviews, risk assessments, on-site mock examinations, registration services, and cybersecurity services to institutional wealth managers, private fund managers, retail wealth advisers, and registered investment companies. He also helps coordinate educational conference agendas and speakers. Keith is an author, product contributor, and thought leader. His product contributions have included the design of the Form ADV Part 2 Template distributed to over 6,000 advisers in 2010-12, and his vision of compliance program management built into CSS’s Compliance Management solution. With his colleagues, Keith’s most recent significant publication is “Big Data, Using Data Analytics”, Modern Compliance vol. 2, ch. 23 (2017). Keith joined Ascendant in 2007, and became a part of CSS in 2016. Prior to Ascendant, Keith was an instructor for the Center for Compliance Professionals and Director of Investment Adviser Services at National Regulatory Services (NRS). Keith practiced law previously as an Associate with Day, Berry & Howard LLP (now Day Pitney LLP), a Hartford, Connecticut law firm in 1996-98. Keith served as a law clerk for two years in Connecticut’s Supreme Court and Appellate Court after earning his Juris Doctor degree Magna Cum Laude from Western New England University School of Law and his Bachelor of Arts Magna Cum Laude from the University of Connecticut. He is a member of the State Bar of Connecticut, and is actively involved in raising funds for the Polycystic Kidney Foundation ( Keith served as President of the New England Broker Dealer Investment Adviser Association (NEBDIAA), a non-profit organization, incorporated in 1997, from 2012-17. He has been on the Board of Directors of SOAR Educational Enrichment, Inc. since 2013, and Board Chair since 2015. SOAR is a privately funded 501(c)(3) providing educational enrichment programs to Keith’s local elementary school.

Jackie Hallihan is the Co-Executive Director of CSS’s Compliance Services team and has over 25 years’ regulatory and risk management experience. She was the founder of National Regulatory Services (NRS) which started the compliance resource business and served as its President for over 20 years. She also founded the National Society of Compliance Professionals (NSCP), a non-profit organization for compliance officers, staff and lawyers serving the compliance industry. It now boasts over 2000 memberships. Jackie has been a leading speaker to compliance professionals, including in-house training programs and various other industry association conferences, and has received numerous industry awards. Jackie also serves as Director, Clerk of the New England Broker Dealer Investment Adviser Association (NEBDIAA), a non-profit organization, incorporated in 1997. The purpose of NEBDIAA is to provide a forum for the professional exchange of information among investment advisers, broker dealers, and persons who provide services to investment advisers and broker dealers, and to direct communication among its members which will improve their ability to serve the needs of their respective clients. The forum will help NEBDIAA’s members meet the increased regulatory demands placed on investment advisers, broker dealers, and persons who provide services to investment advisers and broker dealers.