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Coffee & Regs

A CSS RegTech podcast series on moving from a tactical to strategic approach to regulatory compliance.

The global regulatory space is complex and fragmented. Financial firms can address this problem through tactical responses to regulatory deadlines or think more strategically on how to optimize their compliance data, operations and technology. The Compliance Solutions Strategies weekly podcast features regulatory experts, former Chief Compliance Officers, industry partners and RegTech collaborators to help prepare buy-side and sell-side firms for changes on the regulatory horizon.


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The European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) are calling for industry input to a review of PRIIPs. The input provided will feed…

The Securities and Exchange Commission is not the only regulatory body increasing the number of examinations in 2021.  On September…

Where are we on EMIR REFIT? As of July 2021, ESMA has published a consultation on the draft EMIR REFIT…

Here’s a quick update on the various moving parts on PRIIPs and the RTS as it moves through the EU…