2H 2020 Regulatory Outlook: Compliance Coffee Talk with aosphere LLP
In this episode, CSS’s Regulatory Content Manager Greg Hotaling sits down with Head of Shareholding Disclosure at aosphere LLP Faye Sutherland to discuss what’s next on the regulatory horizon in the second half of 2020. This coffee chat includes a round robin discussion on short selling bans, the wider EU regulatory position, regulators and COVID-19 and implications for substantial shareholding and sensitive industries.
About our Guest Speakers: 

Faye Sutherland is head of the Rulefinder Shareholding Disclosure service provided by aosphere LLP (an affiliate of Allen & Overy). Faye qualified as a lawyer in 2001 and joined aosphere in 2009 for the development and launch of Rulefinder Shareholding Disclosure. As Head of the Rulefinder service, Faye has oversight and responsibility for the legal content and development of a product which today is used by 330+ organisations and covers detailed legal analysis for 90+ jurisdictions. Faye is often asked to speak on regulatory topics concerning beneficial ownership reporting and short selling rules, especially for a view on global trends.

Greg Hotaling is a Regulatory Content Manager at CSS, addressing global regulatory matters relevant to the financial industry. Since its inception, Greg has led the regulatory research and content team for CSS's global Investment Monitoring platform that facilitates compliance with shareholder disclosure and position limit rules around the world.