Q4 Regulatory Reporting Milestones: SFTR and CME/NEX Abide and Brexit, oh my!
In this episode, CSS’s Executive Advisor on Global Transaction Reporting Mikkel Mördrup sits down with Head of Business Development at REGIS-TR Nick Bruce to talk about the world of transaction reporting and the fast-approaching deadlines for SFTR, clients making the switch from CME/NEX Abide to another trade repository and the impending Brexit.
About Our Guest Speakers: 

Mikkel Mördrup is the CEO of CSS Nordic and Executive Advisor on Global Transaction Reporting. Mikkel has headed up CSS Nordic since 2010. After 20-plus years in the financial industry, Mikkel knows the value of combining quality and knowledge and has extensive knowledge from EMIR and MiFIDII/MiFIR. Prior to CSS, Mikkel worked at SimCorp with project implementations and account management. He has also held leadership positions at Nordea Bank and Danske Capital AB.

Nick Bruce is Business Development Manager at Regis-TR; one of Europe’s leading Trade Repositories with around 1500 clients and averaging over 30 million new trades a week. Responsible for the Sales and Relationship Management functions, Nick is well-versed in EMIR, FinfraG and the upcoming SFTR reporting regimes working closely with clients and industry bodies with respect to both the requirements and challenges that the industry faces. Nick has worked in the Financial Services industry for nearly 30 years, and prior to joining Regis-TR, spent 15 years at HSBC where he, amongst other roles, ran the Sovereigns and Supranationals sector for their Securities Services business. He has also worked in Securities Services and Commercial Banking at a number of institutions including State Street, Deutsche Bank and Barclays.